Friday, September 14, 2012

This is where we live.

Today I had fun exploring our neighborhood through my camera new 50 mm camera lens! It came in the mail this week, thanks babe!! And I'm on a black and white kick. So I apologize that you can't see the colors of China in these pictures, but I was going for artistic ;). Enjoy!

Lots of produce!

Makin' food and eatin' food.

The 50-story building where we live.

One of many markets on the street near our apartment. And the bottom left picture is an actual grocery store where we often shop.

I had fun taking pictures, and as long as I kept a friendly smile on my face no one seemed to mind being photographed. We like this place :).


  1. Love these! I have not been brave enough to wander around too much by myself, but I feel inspired!

  2. I love the B&W it's so picturesque! I have to remind myself that this is your real life, not a movie :). In one of the pictures it looks like they're selling a bag of eels at a market and I have to admit that the thought of what they'll be used for made me gag :). The picture of the guy smiling behind the produce cart is cute, there are so many cute shots here, thanks for your friendly invasion of the lives of these unsuspecting people, it's fun to get a glimpse of your world :). Love you!

  3. Love it! Don't you love the lens and camera! You got some great shots. I too saw that bag of eels, creepy! But the fruit looks amazing. What a fun adventure!

  4. Sorry I keep commenting - but I just found your blog so I'm totally going on a reading spree :)
    Anywho - LOVE the photos! They remind me of the ones my mom took when we were there, but mostly it just makes me want to go back! It's amazing how much an awesome camera can calm you in a foreign place. It always makes me feel at home.
